Audio Stories

As part of the Soundscapes experience, we encourage you to delve into these audio stories at the locations they’ve been inspired by. Listen with friends, family, or by yourself. Wear headphones or listen through a speaker, there are no rules. This is your opportunity to connect with your imagination and journey into a different perspective.

These audio stories are inspired and enriched by the natural beauty of the Central Coast, the region’s waterfalls, beaches, forests, and waterways.

We hope you enjoy your audio adventure.

Company of Lost Souls

When is it okay to destroy something that you love? Inspired by the power of nature and shipwrecks that litter the coastline, a woman searches for meaning in her own life and the challenges of being a woman and mother. Finding solace in the magic and power of Norah Head, she begins to hear a language in the water and is comforted and inspired by ‘Mother Nature’.

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